Film Grants
Diverse Voices

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Cinereach develops, produces, finances, and supports feature-length fiction, nonfiction and hybrid films crafted for the big screen. We look for projects (at any stage) that create deep and lasting impressions through story, character, or cinematic approach. We seek to work with both unknown and established filmmakers who may face creative, financial or systemic obstacles to realizing ambitious visions.

Filmmakers Without Borders
FILMMAKERS WITHOUT BORDERS (FWB) supports independent filmmakers around the world via grants and other funding initiatives. Supported projects include narrative films, documentary films, and new media projects that align with themes of social justice, empowerment, and cultural exchange.

Unitarian Universalist Funding Program
Grants are made to non-Unitarian Universalist groups in the U.S. and Canada that meet all 3 of the following criteria:
*uses community organizing to bring about systemic change* leading to a more just society; and
*mobilizes those who have been disenfranchised and excluded from resources, power and the right to self-determination; and
*has an active, focused campaign to create systemic change.